One body has many different parts and each part has a different work.  The same, the church is one body in Christ, and we are each members joined-together.  God gave each person gifts the same-as He wants.  Use your gifts.  If you can speak God’s word, then do that agreeing with the faith you have.  If you can serve, then serve.  If you can teach, then teach.  If you can encourage, encourage.  If you can give to help others, then give freely.  If you lead, do that eagerly.  If you show mercy, do that with joy. Romans 12:4-8

Somehow we have this idea that it’s important to die as a Christian.  Yes, we want to be a Christian when we die. We want to have saving faith in Christ and go to live with Him forever. But what I mean is we are emphasizing the wrong thing. If we think I have to be a Christian when I die, then what happens in my life before I die doesn’t matter much. I can live how I want, do what I want. As long as I’m a Christian when I die, then everything is good.

Where did we get this idea from? Maybe from the thief on the cross. Remember, he asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus came into His kingdom. Jesus promised that the thief would be with Him that day in paradise (heaven). It didn’t matter what the thief did before; he confessed Jesus at the end and went to heaven.

But that’s a wrong way of looking at it.  God’s word doesn’t say that you only need to believe when you die.  God’s word says He gives you life NOW. He tells us to believe NOW, and to live as a Christian NOW.

2 Corinthians 6:2 tells us that today is the day of salvation. We don’t put that off until later. God gives us salvation now for us to live in Christ right now. The verses from Romans 12:4-8 (above) tell us a little more about how we can live as Christians right now.

God gives many different kinds of gifts. Paul lists a few of them here – speaking God’s word, serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leading, and showing mercy. There are many more than that. Don’t worry about the gifts you don’t have. Use the gifts He’s given you.

The last few weeks, we had several people come and serve us by helping clean up the mess from the storm. Lots of people from all over have come to Cedar Rapids to help people clean up. They are going out of their way, making sacrifices, and even working through their own physical challenges, all to help and serve. What awesome servant hearts! We thank God for those people.

God has given you His gifts of life and salvation through Jesus, and He’s given you gifts and abilities to help and serve other people in His name. How can you use your gifts today? Go and do it!